What is a meditation journal?
- personal, reflective tool used to document and explore one’s meditation experiences, thoughts, and insights.
- dedicated space for individuals engaged in meditation practices to record their observations, emotions, and reflections before, during, and after each session.
Why use a meditation journal?
- enhance self-awareness, deepen the meditation experience, and provide valuable insights into one’s spiritual journey.
- allows you to track your progress, identify patterns in thoughts and emotions, and gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual and energetic shifts.
- journal becomes a sacred repository for personal growth, offering a tangible record of the evolution of one’s consciousness.
What you include in your journal is totally up to you, but here is what I include in mine:
- Date
- Day of week
- Moon phase
- Length of meditation
- Time of day
- Type of meditation
- Title/subject of meditation
- Emotions before/emotions after
- Guided/unguided